FAPCCI holds open discussion on GST
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Visakhapatnam: Principal Additional Director General, Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) Visakhapatnam Zonal MRR Reddy interacted with the traders at a meeting organised by FAPCCI here on various aspects of GST.
During his address, he explained various rights of taxpayers, assessee and how the GST department is doing the audit and inspecting the ledgers of the taxpayer. He gave details on the checks and balances they have in their department to enforce the law in a transparent manner.
Reddy requested all the participants if they are facing any issues with the GST Department officers, they should visit his office for redressal of the issues. He made better understanding of GST law helps to prevent litigations at the preliminary stage and the GST Department is user-friendly as they are conducting awareness programs very often for business to understand the problems of the other side.
Vice president, FAPCCI Kankatala Mallikharjuna Rao and CV Atchut Rao, immediate past president, FAPCCI, spoke and appraised the Principal Additional Director General on the genuine difficulties of the traders, on the input tax credit issues and audit verifications by multiple departments on the same tax payers.
A presentation was made by GST audit provisions and the existing laws and on how to handle the departmental audits practically by Siva Prasad Annavarapu, Partner, SGRP & Associates. Another presentation was made by Ramakrishna Sangu, Partner, RK Sangu & Associates on assessment procedures under GST audit and show-cause notice and demand and assessment proceedings under the GST law.
CA Rajesh Maddi, Partner, HNA & Co. LLP explained about the various compliances, reconciliations to be prepared at the year-end by all the taxpayers to be ready for scrutiny and audit by the department.
Advocate Anil Bezawada explained some of the important judgments delivered by the AP High Court and the pending issues before the court.